QRyou is a collection of fully on-chain qr code nfts on the Ethereum blockchain. These functional and writable qrcodes are generated bit by bit by the evm.
At mint, a unique scannable message is set to each QRyou. The text is randomly selected from the thousands of recently unredacted messages written to Censored* by the people that minted them.
These messages can also be overwritten. You can encode them with whatever text you wish. To keep things interesting, holders of a QRyou token can write to ANY unlocked token in the collection.
Message your friends, and enemies alike.
Owners can always encode new messages to their tokens and can lock them against public writing.
The qr codes for this collection are version 4 in byte mode with a "LOW" level error correction and a single alternating mask pattern. They can store up to 78 characters. Most qrcode readers (ie. your phone) should be able to interpret any characters, emojis included 😃️
Don't mind the glitch. It's a feature not a bug.
0.0069 ETH per mint. 4200 max supply.
10% of all minting fees will be donated to charity. Just because.
Feel free to reach out to @NFTYGiFY on